
Learning More About Technology

About Me

Learning More About Technology

I have always struggled with understanding technology, which is one of the reasons I started focusing more and more on learning about computers, printers, and networking. I started looking into different businesses that offered great lessons on technology, and I was able to enroll in a class at my local community college that taught me a lot about troubleshooting tech problems. Although I am far from an expert, I love learning about computers, which is why I made this blog. Check out this information to learn how to troubleshoot technology and make your life better. You won't regret it, but you might regret not learning more when you can.


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Three Places To Install A TV In Your Bathroom

Homeowners commonly have TVs in their living rooms, bedrooms, and even in their kitchens, but there are other places in your home in which you spend time and may wish to watch the news, a sporting event, or your favorite sitcom. Installing a TV in your bathroom can be an idea that works well, and while you generally won't want a huge TV unless your bathroom is vast, there are several ways to complete the installation. Read More 

8 Things Lawyers Should Be Doing On Social Media

While many lawyers understand that they need to up the ante when it comes to building a web presence, many simply do not know how. The truth is that legal social media marketing is difficult, even for professionals. If you are a criminal defense attorney, you need to build your web presence today. Here are a few things you should be doing on the web to do that. 1. Linking to Blog Posts Read More 

4 Ways To Improve The Technical Quality Of Your Video Depositions

When you take a video deposition, you want to do more than record what the other person is saying. You want to create a quality video that you can use at trial if necessary. Be Careful With the Microphone One of the most important elements of a video deposition is the microphone. A microphone is essential for accurately capturing the speaker. Make sure that you set up the microphone so that it is directed at the speaker and is set up to minimize outside noise. Read More 

What To Do If Your Plumbing System Keeps Getting Clogged Up

When the water in your home is flowing properly it is absolutely delightful. You can flush the toilets without worrying about them backing up, and you're able to do things like wash dishes with ease because the water runs right down the drain. But, when you're constantly having to deal with a clogged up plumbing system it can start to become extremely frustrating. You need to do something quick before you let a blocked-up sink make you late for another meeting. Read More 

4 Housewarming Gift Ideas Any Newlywed Couple Is Sure To Appreciate

Are you looking for ways to surprise the newlywed couple in your life at their housewarming party? Here are four unforgettable gift ideas that the happy couple is sure to appreciate now and in the future. An Engraved Dishware Set Set the tone for a a long family legacy by gifting the newlyweds in your life with an engraved dishware set at their housewarming party. Engraved with their family name, the newlyweds can use the dishes to feed their friends and family as time goes on, and then pass those dishes on to their children who will then pass them on to their children. Read More