8 Things Lawyers Should Be Doing On Social Media
While many lawyers understand that they need to up the ante when it comes to building a web presence, many simply do not know how. The truth is that legal social media marketing is difficult, even for professionals. If you are a criminal defense attorney, you need to build your web presence today. Here are a few things you should be doing on the web to do that.
1. Linking to Blog Posts
If you have a website for your attorney services but are not using it regularly to post blogs, you are missing a golden opportunity to demonstrate authority and expertise. The best news is you can market your blog posts on your social media profiles.
2. Creating a Personable Profile
Lawyers have a reputation for coming off as dry and impersonal. You can change this by bringing your own personality to social media. When people see your personality shine through, you are less intimidating.
3. Updating Contact Information
When you change your office location, phone number, or hours, make sure your social media profile reflects this. Even inaccurate data on Yelp can lead to the loss of a potential client.
4. Posting Breaking News
Did something intriguing happen in the legal or criminal defense sphere in your town? You now have a reason to post about it on the web. Ask for opinions and questions to appeal to your audience.
5. Sharing Data
When you run across interesting statistics while researching a case, why not share them on the web? Cite your sources and explain the data to the layperson to gather responses from others in your industry or even potential clients.
6. Asking for Testimonials
If you have previous clients who follow you, now is a great time to ask for a statement about your service. You can use these testimonials to appeal to new potential clients searching for you online.
7. Avoiding Heated Debates
One of the quickest ways to be seen as unprofessional on the web is to debate with other web users. When you get the desire to argue with others in a spirited debate, you might want to step away for a bit and defrost.
8. Hiring a Professional
Professional legal marketing services are available to criminal defense attorneys. They can offer a variety of social media marketing techniques that help you take over local search results. Set up an appointment with a legal marketing consultant to learn more about their services.